Friday, April 27, 2012

little monkey

April 27th 2012.  Day #148-  You were a busy 2 year old today!  This morning we went to visit Auntie Angie at the clinic, then got lunch with Grandma and Poppa at La La's (where you wiped all the lotion off your hands, and smeared it all over the glass door to the restaurant) Ugh!  When we got back to Grandma and Poppa's, you were pushing the chair into the kitchen were getting the phone off the hook, grabbing whatever you could off the counter, before I would see you, moving the picture magnets around on the fridge, and your favorite getting measuring cups out and filling them up with water from the dispenser on the fridge!  I don't even know how many times you did this...too many times to count!

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