Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

December 24th 2011. Day #23- Christmas Eve!  Today you are not feeling very well, running a low grade fever, nose is running and a nasty cough..bummer! But that didn't keep you from having a good time with your cousins.  This year was the first year back at daddy's Grandma and Grandpa Bakken's house.  It has been 14 years since your great-grandparents passed away, and over Thanksgiving this year your great aunt and uncle Slevin moved back into their house!  It was a special Christmas celebrating like daddy used to every year.  We started off the night by going caroling, then to Bev and Mike's for dinner and dessert.  Every year we have a little concert with singing, instruments and we can't forget a great performance by Grandma Block playing her accordion!  Then it's the reading of the Christmas story, where we act out the nativity scene.  We all light candles and say what we are thankful for and sing slient night.  Then back to Grandma and Grandpas house for presents!

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