Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's Eve at Grandma and Grandpa's

December 31st 2011. Day #30-  What a fun day!  We celebrated Christmas at Grandma and Grandpa Erdahl's today.  Had a great time with all your cousin's, opening presents, and making a ginger bread house with Uncle Cory!  All you kids had these matching pj's that were so adorable!

Friday, December 30, 2011


December 30th 2011. Day #29- We had a great time getting out and playing in the snow today!  You got your baby all bundled up and had more fun pulling her around then when Mom pulled you!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

a turn around

December 29th 2011. Day #28-  After the horrible day we had yesterday Mom needed to come up with a new plan!  So out of the house we went, and to DINOland we go!  We all had a good time, we only had one minor breakdown over a chicken nugget at McDonald's, but all in all it was a good day!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

terrible twos?

December 28th 2011. Day #27- Mama said there'd be days like this....

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

feeling better?

December 27th 2011. Day #26-  We started the day off by going to the Dr. after a long weekend of wiping noses and listening to that awful cough; it was time!  Well, all the Dr said was it was a cold...yep it was, so we went back home!  Mommy started to not feel well today so Daddy picked up some DQ for supper, you ate all your chicken strips and dipped everything in your ice cream..yumm!

Monday, December 26, 2011

nice ice!

December 26th 2011. Day #25-  This winter has been so nice, end of December and no snow!  That means the ice on the lake is so smooth.  Today it was 48 degrees! We had a fun time on the ice although it was hard for you two girls to stand alone...we did some swinging and watched Rylin and Easton ice skate!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas morning

December 25th 2011. Day #24-  Merry Christmas!  I think you are about the only 2 year old that cried because you didn't want to open this present from Santa!  Still not feeling 100% that's for sure!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

December 24th 2011. Day #23- Christmas Eve!  Today you are not feeling very well, running a low grade fever, nose is running and a nasty cough..bummer! But that didn't keep you from having a good time with your cousins.  This year was the first year back at daddy's Grandma and Grandpa Bakken's house.  It has been 14 years since your great-grandparents passed away, and over Thanksgiving this year your great aunt and uncle Slevin moved back into their house!  It was a special Christmas celebrating like daddy used to every year.  We started off the night by going caroling, then to Bev and Mike's for dinner and dessert.  Every year we have a little concert with singing, instruments and we can't forget a great performance by Grandma Block playing her accordion!  Then it's the reading of the Christmas story, where we act out the nativity scene.  We all light candles and say what we are thankful for and sing slient night.  Then back to Grandma and Grandpas house for presents!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Charlie's new house!

December 23rd 2011. Day #22-  Today was moving day for the Kern's!  We went over to check-out Charlie's new house, and help them unpack...we didn't help much, but it sure was fun!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Mini Christmas!

December 22nd 2011. Day #21-  What a fun day today!  Christmas party at Brandi's house, and got to meet Santa Claus! Then tonight Grandma and Grandpa Erdahl, Auntie Katie, Uncle Matt and Charlie Mae came over because Uncle Kent and Auntie Erin came to our house all the way from Indiana!  We had a mini Christmas, it was great!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

new toys

December 21st 2011. Day #20-  Lazy day today, you stayed home from daycare with mom and Oscar because one of Brandi's kids was home sick.  We did some organizing...putting away some of your toys, because your toy box was over flowing.  We also took out some toys for Oscar to play with, you had the best time playing with all of these 'new' toys!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

brush, brush

December 20th 2011. Day #19- Brushing hair and teeth at the same time!  Today's big news is Oscar rolled over at daycare, at just 10 weeks old!!!  Belly to back, your little brother is getting bigger!

Monday, December 19, 2011

cool cat

December 19th 2011. Day #18-  Oh yeah...I could have used many pictures from today, but this one takes the cake..your shades matched so well to the pj's you were wearing.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

talk, talk, talk

December 18th 2011. Day #17- You love to play with phones...tonight you had one of daddy's old cell phones and were talking away on it, then dad put his phone up against him and started talking back to you...wish we knew what you were saying!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Grandma's house

December 17th 2011. Day #16- Today you got to play with Charlie Mae at grandma and grandpa Erdahl's.  You girls are going to have so much fun together, here you are playing the piano, it sounded beautiful!

Friday, December 16, 2011


December 16th 2011. Day # 15- Tonight was Brody's 7th Birthday Party!!  You had so much fun playing with your cousins again! Here you are with Paisley's baby dolls, we're still working on sharing...

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas cookies

December 15th 2011. Day # 14-  Tonight you helped mommy make Christmas cookies!!  You made sure every cookie had enough sprinkles...

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

bath time

December 14th 2011. Day #13- Bath time..happens every night and you have a great time pouring water in and out of bowls and drinking a lot of bath water!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

daddy time!

December 13th 2011. Day #12- Daddy took tonight's picture because Mommy works late on Tuesday nights.  You LOVE your time with he makes the best mac & cheese!

Monday, December 12, 2011


December 12th 2011. Day # 11-  Play-doh has been a life saver!  It actually keeps your attention longer then 2 minutes!  Today you played with it for 25 mins while mom got lunch ready.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

oh the love for shoes...

December 11th 2011. Day # 10- You love playing with this nativity set you got from Grandma and Grandpa Erdahl.  Today you played with it in mommy's shoes, these are your favorite!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

The struggle at dinner

December 10th 2011. Day #9- Here we are at lunch time…you wanting to leave the dinner table.  Some days you eat like a teenage boy, but most of the time you are picky, like today you had two helpings of blueberries and 3 green beans.

Friday, December 9, 2011

love for baby

December 9th 2011. Day #8- Today, like most days you play with your feed, burp, change diapers and carry them around in a car seat or stroller.  You put them to sleep, rock them, and have just started shaking the bottle before you give it to your baby...just like mom!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

potty training...

December 8th 2011. Day #7- Tonight we spent a lot of time in the bathroom.  You sat on the big potty like such a big girl tonight and would get on and off it all by yourself.  You're getting really good at flushing the toilet and washing your hands, but have yet to go in the potty....we'll keep trying!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The count down to Christmas

December 7th 2011. Day #6- Today you got a package from Uncle Kent and Auntie Erin!  When we opened it, it was an advent calender!  Since it is the 7th today we had 7 pieces of chocolate to eat to catch up...this is you getting the chocolate out yourself!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Mommy's back to work!

December 6th 2011. Day #5- Today was mommy's first day back to work after having Oscar!  So that means it was Oscar's first day of daycare at Brandi's house with you!  You are such a great helper and help mom carry Oscar's carseat.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Going to the Dr....

December 5th 2011. Day #4- Today was your 2 year wellness check with Dr. Tillisch, you were such a big girl and did so well!  You were 29lbs and 34in!  You showed Dr. Tillisch where your eye's and ears were and opened your mouth up wide when she asked.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Pool party!

December 4th 2011. Day #3- Today was you birthday pool party!  As you can see you LOVED the pool, and playing in the pool with your cousin's!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

lazy Saturday

December 3rd 2011. Day #2- Today you had so much fun playing with your new baby and highchair.  You and mommy ate lunch on your little table and chairs and listened to Christmas music.

Friday, December 2, 2011

2nd Birthday!

December 2nd 2011. Day #1- Today is your 2nd (Golden) Birthday!!!  When you wake up in the mornings you talk a bit to your Minnie, get out of bed walk into Oscar's room get a diaper, say hi to Val then, start making your way upstairs saying "mommy" what a great way to start my day!  Today you went to daycare at Brandi's house, brought treats for your friends and had a fun time. Grandma and Grandpa Erdahl came tonight to celebrate your Birthday with you!