Friday, November 30, 2012

its getting close!

November 30th 2012. Day #364- Momma and Poppa came tonight for your big Birthday weekend!  You have been SO excited for your Birthday so getting some company was so much fun!  Momma read you your bed time books tonight.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Brandi's house

November 29th 2012.  Day # 363- Brandi's house is where you go 3 days a week.  Brandi is mom #2 that is for sure!  You have learned so many things from Brandi, and all your friends at her house.  She is so great to go outside with you almost every day (unless it’s too cold or raining).  You go on little field trips and she does so many fun activities and art projects with you.  We love Brandi, and we are SO glad she is in our lives and that you and your brother are in such great hands when Mommy and Daddy are working.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

music class

November 28th 2012.  Day #362- At Brandi's house, Rhonda the music lady comes to teach music to you and all your friends!  Brandi sent me this picture today and I just loved it so I decided to use it for the picture of the day!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

diggity perro caliente! (hot diggity dog!)

November 27th 2012.  Day #361- Sometimes when you watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on the iPad you hit a different language, like Spanish or French.  It’s like you know what they are saying because you don’t care and you laugh at times, my little bilingual girl! 

Monday, November 26, 2012

Elf on the Shelf

November 26th 2012. Day #360- Tonight after bath, there was a knock at the and Oscar came running to see who was at our door.  After no one was there we looked and looked to see who had come in, well it was one of Santa's Elf's!  After reading the book the ‘Elf on the Shelf’ you named him Ted. Ted watches you and Oscar every day to see if you are being naughty or nice and reporting back to Santa at night.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

breakfest for supper

November 25th 2012.  Day #359- After getting home after a long weekend and having no food in the house to make dinner, we came up with breakfast!  Eggs, bacon and caramel rolls.  Breakfast for supper is yours and daddy’s favorite!

Saturday, November 24, 2012


November 24th 2012.  Day #358- You and Oscar stayed overnight with Mamma and Poppa last night and are going to again tonight, because Mom and Dad's friend is getting married today, and Daddy is a groomsman.  We did get to see you today though because you came to the wedding with Mamma and Poppa!

Friday, November 23, 2012

ring cleaner

November 23rd 2012.  Day #357- Helping Mommy and Grandma clean their rings.  We had a relaxing morning before Mommy and Daddy left to go to Detroit Lakes for a Wedding Rehearsal.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

giving thanks?

November 22nd 2012.  Day #356- Happy Thanksgiving!!  We went to Grandma and Grandpa Block’s house for dinner today.  We got to play with all your cousins, you and Paisley were playing babies and looking at the pictures your arms are crossed in one, then Paisley's arms were crossed in the next one, baby is between you two.  I don’t know what you two were talking about but this has sassy written all over it!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

long weekend!

November 21st 2012.  Day #355- Tonight starts our long weekend!  It was so fun getting to Fertile tonight knowing we had 4 full days off to spend with friends and family. 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Counting money

November 20th 2012-  Day #354- Helping Daddy count some money. 

Monday, November 19, 2012

Haircut day!

November 19th 2012.  Day #353- Mommy gave both you and Daddy a haircut today.  Your hair was getting so long we cut off 2 inches.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

All the people

November 18th 2012.  Day #352- Today was the perfect day to set up all the Christmas stuff!  We didn’t have anything going on and we were in the Christmas spirit (even though we haven’t had Thanksgiving yet)  We had so much fun setting up the Christmas tree, garland, all the nativity sets and singing Christmas music!

Saturday, November 17, 2012


November 17th 2012. Day #351- After a long night of not a lot of sleep, baths and changing beds, you woke up today feeling 100% better!!  Actually and new girl!  Oscar was still a bit off, but not too bad.  Mamma and Poppa surprised us when we were outside enjoying the beautiful weather.  You were so happy them and show them a few new games.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Started out as movie night...

November 16th 2012.  Day #350- Daddy was working out of town and it was a cold, chilly night so I thought it was a perfect night for a movie!  We started watching Minnie and eating popcorn, when Oscar started to throw-up...bummer!  Once I got him out of the bath and tucked in bed, I came down to you sleeping on the floor (That’s not like you) I put you to bed and about an hour later you woke up throwing up and again at 3am, poor babes!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

iPad puzzles

November 15th 2012.  Day #349- Playing with the new iPad app we downloaded, you are so good at putting puzzles together so this is perfect for you.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wardrobe change

November 14th 2012.  Day #348- Changing once again today...Daddy asked if you wanted to go to Menards with him. Yep, but you had to have a wardrobe change first!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Princess Castle

November 13th 2012.  Day #347- Making a princess castle and oh so proud of it!

Monday, November 12, 2012


November 12th 2012.  Day #346- You love to be in the kitchen with mom.  Whenever I am cooking or baking you slide over a chair and say, "I help you Mommy".  You love it when we bake cookies, you always sneak a few bites of cookie dough.

Sunday, November 11, 2012


November 11th 2012.  Day #345- We woke up to snow this morning, you were so excited once again to see the snow and to tell us that the snow falls down, from the sky on our house!  You helped Dad shovel the drive way and put our lawn furniture away.  We had such a fun and relaxing weekend at home.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

daddy fix it

November 10th 2012.  Day #344- Daddy's little love watching daddy work and fix things.  Daddy was putting mud flaps on is pickup and you were helping him.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Great-Grandma and Grandpa!

November 9th 2012.  Day #343- It was so much fun to see Great-Grandma and Grandpa today!  Mama and Poppa went to Sisseton to pick them up and they all came over to our house this afternoon and got to play with you and Oscar.  We all went over to Auntie Katie’s later to eat and chat a little more before they all flew to Arizona!  Great-Grandma and Grandpa couldn’t believe how big you’ve gotten.  We sure love our Grandma's and Grandpa's!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

wooo daddy!

November 8th 2012.  Day #342- Daddy gives the best rides on the love to go (in your words) "Super, super FAST!"

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


November 7th 2012.  Day #341- Having fun with your brother going down the 'slide' you made.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day!

November 6th 2012.  Day #340- Today is Election Day!  A day where we as Americans have the freedom to our own opinion and the freedom to vote for our leaders!  After Daddy picked you and Oscar up from daycare you went with him to vote.  Although you are far too young to vote, we vote with you in mind...and what kind of leaders we want to have run our country and community for your future.  Tonight after you went to bed we found out that President Barack Obama will be in office for another 4 years.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Oscar's awake

November 5th 2012.  Day #339- Lately you have been waking Oscar up from his naps.  Today you woke him up twice, morning and afternoon.  I think you get lonely because you try to tell me that he was awake... "I didn't wake him..Oscar wants to play Mommy". Really, the look he's giving you here is, "Really sister?  I don't want to talk to Momma on that phone or play basketball..."

Sunday, November 4, 2012


November 4th 2012.  Day #338- Today Mommy took some pictures while you got to stay with Mama and Poppa Erdahl...shortly after you woke up from your nap, Grandma Block came to see you and gave her a very warm welcome!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

back to Mama's

November 3rd 2012.  Day #337- We got a ride with Mama Erdahl back to Fertile tonight, finally get to see Daddy!  Auntie Angie came in so Mommy could cut her hair, so you and Oscar got to play with Rylin, Easton and Macy!

Friday, November 2, 2012

kitchen invasion

November 2nd 2012.  Day #336- Mommy has been out numbered the past couple days, Daddy is at the lake working, so it's just been the three of us at home.  Tonight, like most nights, you love to play in the kitchen, where I'm cooking and doing the dishes.  I have one drawer that's just for you kids, and you love to play in it...Oscar loves this one cabinet, Mommy's always picking up...

Thursday, November 1, 2012

you've got mail

November 1st 2012.  Day #335- What a fun surprise when we got home today, you had mail from Grandma and Grandpa Block!  A Halloween card with some money in it, you ran and put it right in your piggy bank!