Sunday, September 30, 2012

a fall favorite

September 30th 2012.  Day #304-  Jumping in the leaves is how we spent this beautiful fall day, you had a blast!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

baby cakes

September 29th 2012.  Day #303- Going for a wagon ride with Oscar at Grandma and Poppa's house.  Baby Cakes is the name of your baby, this was Mommy's baby doll when she was a little girl and you just love her.  She has very crazy hair because Mom gave her a hair-cut when she was little.  Thanks for taking today's picture Grandma!

Friday, September 28, 2012

going with Grandma and Poppa

September 28th 2012.  Day #302- Grandma and Poppa came to pick you and Oscar up today because Mommy had a baby shower to go to and was going to stay in Moorhead for a Carrie Underwood concert.  Daddy was busy working and had a Bachelor party tomorrow night.  You were more than happy to see them! After leaving our house you went over to the Kern's to play with Charlie Mae then off to Grandma and Grandpa's house you went!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

little feet

September 27th 2012.  Day #301- I just love you and your brother's busy little feet!  You've always loved shoes..when you were a baby you would chew on them, when you were One you would bring everyone their shoes, and now as a Two year old you wear everyone’s shoes!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

open arms

September 26th 2012.  Day #300- I love the expression on your face when I come to pick you up from Brandi's house!  "MOMMY!" you say and you can’t wait to give me the biggest hug!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

"Come on Oscar!"

September 25th 2012.  Day #299- You wanted so badly for Oscar to wear your princess shoes today..."COME ON OSCAR!"  He had no idea what you were trying to do to him; you finally just gave up and played princess with mom.

Monday, September 24, 2012

family picture day

September 24th 2012.  Day #298- Tonight we went over by Hawley and had Ria take our family pictures.  By the time we got home and had a bite to eat, it was already past your bed time.  We did quick baths and read a few books and you kids were fast asleep.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

fall clean up

September 23rd 2012.  Day #297- Doing a little fall clean-up at Grandma and Grandpa Block's house before we celebrated Thorine's 91st Birthday.  You and Macy decided you wanted bags to pick up acorns while Paisley wanted to pick up sticks.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

pretty colors

September 22nd 2012.  Day #296- The colors are so perfect right now around the lake that I just had to get a couple of shots of Oscar for his 1st Birthday was hard for you to not be the cute one in front of the camera, so you snuck in a few too!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Cold game

September 21st 2012.  Day #295- Friday night...that means Football game.  It was SO cold today (30 degrees)  but you still wanted to go to the football game so you could see Macy Kay.  We left Oscar with Grandma Erdahl and went down for a little bit so you could run and play.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

bedtime at Grandma's

September 20th 2012.  Day #294- We drove to Fertile tonight because Daddy will be busy doing Docks tomorrow.  Grandma read you a few books tonight then you wanted her to tuck you in.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Fancy Princess

September 19th 2012.  Day #293- Being fancy is what you do best!  Love to dress up in fancy shoes, jewelry and dresses every day.  Even love to pose for the camera!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

hanging with the boy's

September 18th 2012.  Day #292- Tonight Mommy was working so it was just you and the boys...Daddy's friend Mitch was in town so he came over too.  As much as you are a girly-girl, you know how to hang with the guys too!

Monday, September 17, 2012

quick hello!

September 17th 2012.  Day #291-  Momma and Poppa are back from their trip to Indy to see Uncle Kent and Auntie Erin...they stopped over quick tonight to give you kisses and have a bite to eat before going back to Fertile.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Farm kids

September 16th 2012.  Day #290- I’ve been waiting all summer to go out to the "Farm" to take pictures of you kids!  Grandma Erdahl grew up here, and Mommy spent so much time playing at the farm when she was a little girl, lots of great memories!  It’s a very special place to Mom, and I'm so glad it worked out to bring you kids here.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Friends forever

September 15th 2012.  Day #289-  We had a FUN day today!  Started out by walking the 5K for the F-B education foundation with your Auntie Lissa, Paisley, Auntie Angie and Macy.  After that we took pictures of you three girls.  We loved doing this last year so we may just have to make it a yearly thing!   Auntie Angie had everyone over tonight for dinner, where you did a lot of singing and dancing!!

Friday, September 14, 2012


September 14th 2012.  Day #288- Spending a Friday night with the Petry family is ALWAYS a fun time!  We did lots of swinging, ate supper, went for a walk, watched the boys on the 4 wheeler and dirt bike, and ended the evening with giving Macy a haircut!  You wanted a haircut too, so Mommy did a little pretending and you girls were so excited to show off your new "do's"! 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

fun and loving!

September 13th 2012.  Day #287-  Just being a fun and silly two year old!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

daddy time

September 12th 2012.  Day #286-  Daddy has been so busy lately...working almost every evening and weekend.  Mommy had to go to take some pictures tonight, so it was a daddy night, which you and Oscar love!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

pillow play

September 11th 2012.  Day #285-  "I want to play with my pillows" is what we hear every day, you love to run and jump all over them!

Monday, September 10, 2012


September 10th 2012.  Day #284-  Tonight we got together with Emon and Teddy, you girls were busy pushing your babies and playing princesses in your room.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Grandma's Birthday Party!

September 9th 2012.  Day #283-  Today we celebrated Poppa Block's Birthday!!  Grandma made a yummy dinner and let all of you kids sign the Birthday cake with frosting!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

picking acorns

September 8th 2012.  Day #282- Spending the day with Grandma Block today was so fun! Usually there are so many kids around, but today was just you, Oscar and Mommy.  Right before dinner you were busy outside picking up got a bucket full!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Friday night lights

September 7th 2012.  Day #281-  As soon as we rolled in to Fertile tonight we went right to the football game!  Poppa announces the home games so it was fun to go up in the press box to see him and Grandma.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


September 6th 2012.  Day #280- Today I found you cleaning the toilet, not my favorite thing to do but you seem to love it for some reason.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

silly face

September 5th 2012.  Day #279-  Showing off your silly face!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


September 4th 2012.  Day #278-  We can’t leave any lotion bottles around, because if we do this is how we find you, very well moisturized.

Monday, September 3, 2012

home sweet home!

 September 3rd 2012.  Day #277-  After a fun long weekend away it was so good to be back home!  Both you and Oscar were such great travelers!  We had a lot of stuff to unload and a lot of laundry to do.  While I was busy sorting all the laundry you were bust carrying it into the laundry room and putting all the dirty clothes in the washer and dryer...what a "great" helper!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

park time

September 2nd 2012.  Day #276-  Before making the long 5 hour car ride back to Minneapolis, we played at a park where we got to spend a little more time with Auntie Erin and Uncle Kent.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Dancing Queen

September 1st 2012.  Day #275-  We made it to Wisconsin today, you and Oscar were GREAT in the car and it was so fun to see Uncle Kent and Auntie Erin when we got to the hotel.  This was the first wedding that you actually got to do some dancing and we couldn’t get you or Charlie Mae off the dance floor!