Friday, August 31, 2012

new seat, long ride!

August 31st 2012.  Day #274-  Oscar got to move into a bigger car seat so Mommy bought you a brand-new car seat!  It’s pretty sweet because it has pink flowers on it and has your very own cup holder.  Tonight we drove down to Auntie Alicia and Uncle Cory's house.  We are making a long trip to Wisconsin tomorrow for Nathan and Sarah's wedding!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

snuggle bugs

August 30th 2012.  Day #273-  Every morning I get to snuggle with you and Oscar before getting ready, this is one of Mommy’s favorite times of the day! This morning you wanted to give Oscar his bottle. 

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

leave the door open.

August 29th 2012.  Day #272-  Bedtime has been a struggle for you have always been so good to go nigh, nigh so it’s so hard for Daddy and I to struggle with you.  We have to keep your door open and tell you a few stories and rub your back before its ok for us to walk out of your room.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Monday, August 27, 2012

brush brush

August 27th 2012.  Day #270-  You love to brush your teeth, this afternoon you brushed about 3 times.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Hanging with Grandma Jean

August 26th 2012.  Day #269-  This morning Charlie's Grandma and Grandpa came to the cabin, Grandma Jean took you two for a little walk over to the other cabin to swing and play.  Then we went for a short boat ride before heading home.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Momma and Poppa

August 25th 2012.  Day #268-  You are having a great time with Momma and Poppa, Aunties and Uncles and all your Cousins.  We spent the day, playing, taking lots of golf cart rides, running and going on a long boat!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Kern cabin

August 24th 2012.  Day #267-  Tonight we arrived at the Kern Cabin (Charlie's Grandma and Grandpa's).  This is our 4th summer spending a weekend at 8th Crow Wing Lake and we always have a great time!  This year Daddy didn't make it because he is busy working, so we drove up with Momma and Poppa.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

If I had a quarter for every time...

August 23rd 2012.  Day #266-  Something new we are trying at our house...Evelyn's money jar.  Every time you are being a good girl or a big helper you get a quarter to but in your money jar, but every time you don’t share, don’t listen, or follow directions, mommy takes a quarter’re not a fan of that, but are so proud when you get to put money in!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

HI Daddy. Hi Mamma.

August 22nd 2012.  Day #265-  Daddy has been so busy lately, working every night so you really haven’t seen him all week.  Today you told me "I want to call my Daddy." How can you say "no" to that?!  So we called Daddy, then Grandma Block, then Grandma Erdahl.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Grooming Salon

August 21st 2012.  Day #264-  Welcome to Evie's Grooming Salon, brushing, blow drying and feeding your kittens!

Monday, August 20, 2012

no more monkeys jumping on the bed!

August 20th 2012.  Day #263-  You two silly monkeys LOVE to jump on the bed!  Jump, bounce and lots of giggles tonight....Thanks Grandpa Erdahl for now teaching Oscar how to join in!

Sunday, August 19, 2012


 August 19th 2012.  Day #262-  We were just as excited to see you and Oscar today, as you were to see us!  We spent the rest of the day playing outside, you had a ball having Daddy spin you around!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Mamma and Poppa's!

August 18th 2012.  Day #261-  Having a ball with Mamma and Poppa, you and Oscar had a fun filled day, going for walks, swinging, picking flowers and loving all the attention!  5 years ago today Mommy and Daddy got married; we are SO blessed to have each other and feel so grateful for you and Oscar every day!  We have loved watching you grow from a bitty baby to a fun filled toddler and now into such a sweet little girl!  As we continue to watch you grow into a tween, teenager and a young lady we hope you will find your one true love just as Daddy and I have found in each other!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Bye Mommy! Bye Daddy!

August 17th 2012.  Day # 260-  Grandma and Poppa came to pick you and Oscar up today because Mommy and Daddy were going to spend the weekend in Minneapolis to celebrate their 5th wedding Anniversary.  You were SOOO excited to spend the weekend with Mamma and Poppa, I don’t think you asked about us once!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

new baby!

August 16th 2012.  Day #259-  Oh what a happy day!  There is a new baby at Brandi's, and it’s a girl!  Jaylee got a lot of love from you today and Brandi said you were a big helper!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

No Mommy, go away!

August 15th 2012.  Day #258-  Once again I hear "Go away, Mommy!" you are very interested in Mom's daily routine...I find you putting on deodorant, trying to put on make-up and now you like to dress yourself with no help from mom.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


 August 14th 2012.  Day #257-  Always into something, digging in drawers and finding things you probably shouldn't be playing with...I say "Evelyn?" your response "Go away, Mommy!"

Monday, August 13, 2012

Always stop to smell the flowers

August 13th 2012.  Day #256-  On our walk today you stopped to pick every dandeline you could find, you were skipping and singing all the way!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Stories with Poppa

August 12th 2012.  Day #255- Poppa got some snuggle time with you today before nap time, you just love reading books.

Saturday, August 11, 2012


August 11th 2012.  Day #254- This morning we drove to grandma and Poppa Block's to play, all you kids did a little swimming while the rest of us watched you in our jeans and sweatshirts, it was chilly!!  Didn't stop you from having a fun time though!

Friday, August 10, 2012


August 10th 2012.  Day #253-  Tonight we did a little shopping at Scheels.  You liked checking out all the mannequins and watching kids ride the Ferris Wheel. 

Thursday, August 9, 2012

oh no!

August 9th 2012-  Day #252-  Well it happened!  At the park tonight you were having so much fun and just couldn’t hold your bladder any longer!  Oh, girl you don’t want to miss a thing!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

summer night

August 8th 2012.  Day #251-  We played and played outside tonight, so we cooled off with a freezy.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

chatter box

August 7th 2012-  Day #250-  Oh girl!  Hair's a mess, no pants and you're chatting away!  You are talking more and more, love to tell us stories and you talk to Oscar all day long! 

Monday, August 6, 2012


August 6th 2012.  Day #249-  This morning we ran a few errands, stopped by the salon where you got your hair braided by Debbie and then Mom picked up some lunch and we headed to the park to eat and play!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

toes up, toes down

August 5th 2012.  Day #248- You've been working so hard on pumping, tonight when you were swinging you were saying "Mommy, toes up, toes down" I think you're starting to get it!

Saturday, August 4, 2012


August 4th 2012.  Day #247- Finally, today you got to see Mama, Poppa, Charlie Mae and Auntie Katie!  You've been asking for a long time if you could see Mama and Poppa, and we were going to go over and play with Charlie and Auntie last Thursday, but that’s when Oscar started running a temp.  So today when you asked to see everyone and I said, yes you can, you were smiling ear to ear and jumping up and down!  We went over to Charlie's house and you got to play with Emma too!

Friday, August 3, 2012

here you go Daddy

August 3rd 2012.  Day #246-  Daddy had today off so we were all home!  Oscar was still running a fever so you spent a lot of time with Daddy out in the garage and helping him set up his work trailer.

Thursday, August 2, 2012


August 2nd 2012.  Day #245-  Walking in Mommy's high heels today you tripped and face planted right into the metal corner of the heat register...OUCH!!  Mommy put ice on it right away, then you said you wanted a Band-Aid.  You put the Band-Aid right on the spot....or close to it!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

pretty earrings

August 1st 2012.  Day #244-  Mommy found a pair of your Great-Great-Grandma Kouba's (clip-on) earrings, I didn't know if I would ever get them off you, but over time I think they started to pinch a little.