Thursday, May 31, 2012

Miss Helper

May 31st 2012.  Day #182-  What a great little helper you are!   Here you are putting a new bag in the trash can, you love to take the garbage out for Mommy and Daddy.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

oh crap!

May 30th 2012.  Day #181-  For about 2 months now you have had a fear of going cross your legs and try your hardest to hold it in.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

slumber party!

May 29th 2012.  Day #180-  Auntie Angie, Macy and Easton came to our house last night.  We haven't had too many sleepovers yet, but I'm sure you will have many more with your cousins!  You girls had a little time this morning for a few snuggles and playtime, before you went to Brandi's and Auntie, Macy and Easton started shopping.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day

May 28th 2012.  Day #179-  What a wonderful Memorial Day!  We enjoyed dinner at Grandma and Grandpa Block's, and had fun in the sun the rest of the afternoon.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

I can do it

May 27th 2012.  Day #178-  After graduation open houses, we enjoyed sitting in Grandma and Poppa's back yard watching you and Oscar swing.  You soon went running off to the house, and came back caring your chair and baby stroller back with you.  One determand little girl!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

helping a girl out

May 26th 2012.  Day #177-  Macy is such a big helper, you two sat here for a long time while Macy helped you put your shoes on.

Friday, May 25, 2012

bye-bye Val

May 25th 2012.  Day #176-  Daddy and Mommy decided to find a new home for Val.  We found a great family that will give her just as much love, and even more attention than what we can.  It was hard to say goodbye to Val tonight, she loves you and Oscar so much.

Thursday, May 24, 2012


May 24th 2012.  Day #175-  Having a little heart-to-heart with Oscar this afternoon, you two love each other!  Yes, he always seems to want your toys, he gets EVERYTHING wet, and he takes the spotlight off you every once in awhile, but all-in-all you LOVE him, and everything he does!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Poppa's Birthday!!!

May 23rd 2012. Day #174-  Yesterday was Poppa's Birthday!  Tonight Poppa and Grandma came and took us out to dinner at the Olive Garden, yummy!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


May 22nd 2012.  Day #173-  Putting pretties in your hair, you love to take out all the clips, pony-tails, and bows everyday!

Monday, May 21, 2012

playtime with friends

May 21st 2012.  Day #172-  This morning we went over to play with Vaida, she was visiting her cousin Elliot in Moorhead so we got to play with all of Elliot's cool toys.  Mommy got to chat with Vaida's Mom Elizabeth, and you were busy driving around with Elliot and playing with his new puppy Isa.  Elliot's Daddy is a police officer...pretty cool!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

peek-a-boo, baby!

May 20th 2012.  Day #171-  Playing with Oscar after dinner tonight.  Oscar just LOVES it when you talk to him.  Whenever he is sad, you go right over to him and play peek-a-boo, and play with him.  This makes Mommy happy!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

the BIG sale!

May 19th 2012.  Day #170-  Today was the big sale!  It was a cool May day, we kept warm in Poppa's shop for most of the day.  You girls had a good time playing with each-other, and the sale was a success!

Friday, May 18, 2012

set up!

May 18th 2012.  Day #169-  Tonight we drove back to the lake, but we actually went right to Poppa's shop!  Everyone was getting ready for the big sale tomorrow.  Here you are playing/fighting over the girls were giggling, playing tug-of-war over it.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Daddy's helper

May 17th 2012.  Day #168-  Still working on getting ready for new carpet.  Today they laid all the carpet, except for your's and Oscar's.  You loved to help Daddy with Oscar's room, but you were VERY concerned when he was taking your room apart.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Open ground

May 16th 2012.  Day #167-  We are getting new carpet tomorrow!  Tonight we were VERY busy clearing the house out getting everything ready, you and Oscar went over to Auntie Katie's house for a bit tonight with Grandma, so Daddy and Mommy could get things ready.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

action in the neighborhood

May 15th 2012.  Day #166-  There was a lot of action in the neighborhood tonight!  About 6 houses down there was a house fire, lots of  fire trucks, ambulances, police cars and news crews on the streets.  We sat out and watched it all, with the rest of the neighbors.  Thankfully everyone was safe!

Monday, May 14, 2012

water fun

May 14th 2012.  Day #165-  Warm day today, we went to Toys R Us to buy a water table!  We spent most of our morning and afternoon outside playing.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Momma's Day!

May 13th 2012.  Day #164-  Today is Mothers Day!  I am so blessed everyday by you and your brother!  Being a Mom is the best thing in the world!  We had an awesome day today!  Enjoyed the sun, by grilling out,  playing in the sand and water, swinging, and going for our first pontoon ride of the year!  Getting to spend the day with you and your Grandma's was the perfect day (along with some other very special people!)

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Outdoor lunch date

May 12th 2012.  Day #163-  Beautiful day today!  We enjoyed our lunch outside before going to Fertile.

Friday, May 11, 2012


May 11th 2012.  Day #162-  Tonight Grandma and Poppa stopped over quick before they had to get to the Synod Assembly.  You did a lot of giggling as you untied Poppa's shoes, over and over.

Thursday, May 10, 2012


May 10th 2012.  Day #161-  Tonight when you were playing with the pipe-cleaners, you were pretending to make spaghetti, mixing it all up and saying it was "Hot".

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


May 9th 2012.  Day #160-  Playing with the stickers you got from Grandma and Poppa Erdahl. You love to stick these all over, your favorite is on hands and feet.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Feeding Val

May 8th 2012.  Day #159-  Feeding Val dinner, you help out every morning and night.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Make'n Muffin's

May 7th 2012.  Day #158-  This morning you slept in (7:45 a.m.) we made muffins for breakfast, yummy!

Sunday, May 6, 2012


May 6th 2012.  Day #157-  Today we went over to the Kern's again to see everyone.  You were a bear all was a late night for you last night, so nothing was going your way!  You played for awhile with Charlie Mae, August and Oscar but after so many NO, MINE!  Mommy took you home to have a good nap- you fell fast asleep on the way home.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Fun with the cousin's!

May 5th 2012.  Day #156-  What a fun day!  We had a bridal shower for cousin Kaia at Auntie Bev's house.  You were 3 busy was a gorgeous afternoon so did a lot of running outside.  After the shower we drove back to Fargo so we could spend the evening at Auntie Katie's house, playing with Charlie, August Uncle Cory, Auntie Alicia, Auntie Katie and G&G Erdahl!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Airport welcome

May 4th 2012.  Day #155-  Great Grandma and Grandpa are back from Arizona!  We were at the airport to greet them when they got off the plane.  Grandma and Poppa went to AZ last week to help them pack up and travel back with them, it was so great to see them all!

Thursday, May 3, 2012


May 3rd 2012.  Day #154-  Shopping trip to Menards...had to get a few items for the house and the yard.  I think you come here with Daddy once a week, and both love it!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

little hand prints...

May 2nd 2012.  Day #153-  Playing out on the deck again while Daddy is grilling gave all your little people a bath in Val's water dish and loved putting your hand prints all over the deck.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

wash the cars

May 1st 2012.  Day #152-  It was in the 80's tonight, so it was a perfect night to wash the vehicles.  You washed your car, baby stroller, lawn mower and the wheels to the strollers.