Wednesday, February 29, 2012

366 days of Evelyn!

February 29th 2012. Day # 90-  This year we have a leap year!  They were hyping up a big blizzard to hit us these last few days, so when the blizzard really didn't happen and we just got 4-5 inches of snow instead of 12-22 inches, we all just wanted to sleep through this "extra" day!  This morning you crawled into bed with us...we were all dreaming of a snow day!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

oven mits

February 28th 2012.  Day #89-  I never know what kind of pictures I will find on my camera on Tuesday and Oscar always have a good time with Daddy.

Monday, February 27, 2012

curl your tongue

February 27th 2012.  Day #88-  Today you learned how to curl your thought it was pretty cool to watch yourself doing it in the mirror

Sunday, February 26, 2012

moving snow with Daddy

February 26th 2012. Day #87-  We got about 5 inches of snow today, so you helped daddy clear the driveway in the loader (or the "tractor").

Saturday, February 25, 2012

hula hoop

February 25th 2011. Day #86-  Auntie Katie was trying to teach you how to hula hoop...that really didn't work, but you were very impressed with her mad skills!

Friday, February 24, 2012


February 24th 2012. Day #85-  Mommy went to take some newborn pictures today, so Abbey got to come over and babysit you and your brother!  Abbey is such a great sitter and you just LOVE her!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

fun with Charlie

February 23rd 2012. Day #84- Tonight Uncle Matt, Charlie, and Papa came over to our house, while Mommy and Grandma went over to Auntie Katie's for a CABi party.  It's been a few weeks since you girls played, so it was a fun night!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

dancing with brother

February 22nd 2012. Day #83-  You just LOVE to dance, tonight you wanted to dance with Oscar!  When he gets older I have a feeling he will have to do alot of things he may not want to do!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

busy little cleaner

February 21st 2012. Day #82-  Tonight you helped daddy do a little vacuuming, with your baby of course.

Monday, February 20, 2012


February 20th 2012. Day #81- This morning we made a pretty sweet decided it would be even better to make a fort in the fort for just your babies.

Sunday, February 19, 2012


February 19th 2012. Day #80-  Over 40 degrees in February....what an awesome winter we've had this year! Sledding with Macy Kay was a great way to spend the afternoon!

Saturday, February 18, 2012


February 18th 2012. Day #79-  Papa and Grandma treated us with pizza at Joe Dimaggio's tonight.  You got your very first gumball from a gumball machine!  You kept checking to see if any more would come out.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Rylin's 8!

February 17th 2012. Day #78-  Rylin had his 8th Birthday Party tonight.  One of Rylin's gifts was a new sled so you and Macy got to try it out!

Thursday, February 16, 2012


February 16th 2012. Day #77-  Mommy picked you up early today from Brandi's house, because you threw-up...well it turned out during your nap you just got coughing so hard you threw-up.  This has happened just a couple of times before, but you've been at home.  Rylan let you wear one of his shirts home today so Brandi could wash yours.  We had a nice lazy afternoon watching The Lion King!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

pretty shoes!

February 15th 2012. Day #76-  This morning you put your new pretty shoes on...I think you've only taken them off once since then!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

hugs and kisses!

February 14th 2012. Day #75-  Happy Valentines Day!  This morning you got to go to Brandi's house for a fun day!  Rhonda the music lady came at 9, you got a lot of treats and Valentine's from your friends!  Oscar had his 4 month appointment this morning, so when I came back to Brandi's house to drop him off, I got a few more hugs and kisses from you!

Monday, February 13, 2012

candle light dinner

February 13th 2012. Day #74- We surprised Daddy tonight with a candle light dinner for our Valentine's date.  Mommy has to work late tomorrow, so tonight we celebrated with salad, spaghetti, and turtle cheesecake for dessert.  We heard a lot of  "Oh WOW" from you!!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

girl talk

February 12th 2012. Day #73- A little girl talk with youR cousins while playing ring around the rosie.  After church today we went over to Uncle Tim and Auntie Angie's house to celebrate Grandma, Auntie Elissa and Uncle Dusty's Birthday's!

Saturday, February 11, 2012


February 11th 2012. Day #72- Today we spent the day with Grandma Block.  She took out some of Auntie Elissa and Auntie Angie's old Barbies to play with.

Friday, February 10, 2012

nigh nigh

February 10th 2012. Day # 71- Playing nigh nigh is one of your favorite things to do lately.  This afternoon we were playing in your bedroom when you decided Oscar and your baby should go nigh nigh with you and your Minnie's.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


February 9th 2012. Day # 70- Tonight Mommy was sick, so Daddy had a busy evening.  Luckily he still got a snap shot of you!  You're looking a little dazed...

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Bed-time kisses

February 8th 2012. Day #69- Every night before bed you give everyone kisses...even Val.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Big sis

February 7th 2012. Day # 68- It's hard work being a big sis, giving Oscar some love and reading a book before bed.

Monday, February 6, 2012

time to do laundry!

February 6th 2012. Day #67- This morning you were playing with your babies, then all of a sudden you started taking off all of their clothes, next thing I knew you were bringing me all our dirty laundry...those babies must have gotten pretty dirty because I was forced to do the laundry!

Sunday, February 5, 2012


February 5th 2012. Day #66- Not really sure what this is all about, but for the past few days you have wanted paper towels, then you lay them going down the stairs...after you get them just the way you like you grab your baby.  I think you're making a slide for her because you sit her up and hold her hand. Oh how I love the imagination!

Saturday, February 4, 2012


February 4th 2012. Day #65- Today we got to meet up with Macy and Paisley (and of course their brothers and parents too) in Detroit Lakes at a hotel.  We did a lot of swimming, playing and eating....what a great Saturday!

Friday, February 3, 2012


February 3rd 2012. Day #64- Helping Mommy make cookies...

Thursday, February 2, 2012

new trick!

February 2nd 2012. Day # 63-  Mommy taught you how to climb up her legs and flip over, you love to do this over and over!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


February 1st 2012. Day #62- Listening to a bedtime story with Daddy.  We read about 4 books every night, and you just love it!  We can't miss a page or skip one book with you, you call us out every time.