Sunday, December 2, 2012

my 3 year old

December 2nd 2012.  Day #366- Happy Birthday my sweet Evelyn! WOW, I cannot believe it has been 3 years since you entered the world.  Having you as a part of our family has brought us so much joy!  I can't believe how much you have changed in just one year!  You've become such a sweet little girl.  We love you so much Evelyn Marie, I hope you enjoy your 366 days of YOU!

Saturday, December 1, 2012


December 1st 2012.  Day #365- Today is your BIRTHDAY PARTY!!!  We invited all your cousin's, Auntie's and Uncles, and Grandma's and Grandpa's to Games Galore for your party.  Everyone had a great time, bouncing and sliding.  You were so excited you maybe had a bite of your food and cake.  When it came to presents you got SO many fun toys, games, puzzles and outfits, you gave everyone hugs, and were so grateful for everyone making the trip to see you and helping you celebrate!

Friday, November 30, 2012

its getting close!

November 30th 2012. Day #364- Momma and Poppa came tonight for your big Birthday weekend!  You have been SO excited for your Birthday so getting some company was so much fun!  Momma read you your bed time books tonight.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Brandi's house

November 29th 2012.  Day # 363- Brandi's house is where you go 3 days a week.  Brandi is mom #2 that is for sure!  You have learned so many things from Brandi, and all your friends at her house.  She is so great to go outside with you almost every day (unless it’s too cold or raining).  You go on little field trips and she does so many fun activities and art projects with you.  We love Brandi, and we are SO glad she is in our lives and that you and your brother are in such great hands when Mommy and Daddy are working.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

music class

November 28th 2012.  Day #362- At Brandi's house, Rhonda the music lady comes to teach music to you and all your friends!  Brandi sent me this picture today and I just loved it so I decided to use it for the picture of the day!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

diggity perro caliente! (hot diggity dog!)

November 27th 2012.  Day #361- Sometimes when you watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on the iPad you hit a different language, like Spanish or French.  It’s like you know what they are saying because you don’t care and you laugh at times, my little bilingual girl! 

Monday, November 26, 2012

Elf on the Shelf

November 26th 2012. Day #360- Tonight after bath, there was a knock at the and Oscar came running to see who was at our door.  After no one was there we looked and looked to see who had come in, well it was one of Santa's Elf's!  After reading the book the ‘Elf on the Shelf’ you named him Ted. Ted watches you and Oscar every day to see if you are being naughty or nice and reporting back to Santa at night.